When you sign in you will be directed to the main till screen. This allows you to ring out products and start making sales straight away.
If you’d like the sale to be assigned to a specific customer on the Till follow the steps below:
1. On the Till screen, The default title on a sale basket is “Cash Sale Customer”. Navigate to and click on Cash Sale Customer.
2. This will bring up your customer list. If the customer is already saved on your Till you can simply search for and select the customer.
3. If you need to create a new customer, tap on Add Customer.
4. A screen will appear where you can add the details of your new customer. You can save the customer’s name, contact details and company (if applicable). To finalise tap on Add Loyalty Customer
5. Once you have selected the customer, the name on the basket will be the selected customer’s name. If you added an email address and contact number, those details will also show on the basket.
6. You can now add the items that the customer is purchasing to the basket. To do this you can tap on Add Product and select the items from the product list, you can scan the barcode on the items or you can tap on the Favourites tiles to add the products to the sale.
7. Once you have added all the products into the basket and you would like to conclude the sale, navigate to and click on Pay, found at the bottom, right hand side of the page.
8. Confirm with the customer how they will be paying for the transaction and click on that particular Tender type. You can select either Cash, Card, Account or SnapScan
9. Once you have chosen the tender type the humble till will show the tender type and amount beneath the Sub Total. You can click inside the box to change the tender amount e.g if a customer pays for a R150 item with a R200 note, the cash received box should show 200.00 and a change amount of 50.00 will show at the bottom of the screen
10. Once the tender amount has been added, you can complete the sale by tapping Complete Sale
- If the incorrect amount has been tendered, the till will prompt you that more tender needs to be added. If you persist and click on the tab, the system will prompt you that you that the Tender Amount is less than the Sale Amount.
- If the amount tendered is more than the sale amount, a figure will appear next to Change Given at the bottom of the screen. This is how much you will need to give back to the customer.
11. Once the sale is complete, the humble till will offer you the option of ringing up a New Sale, Email Receipt, Print Receipt or Lock Till. If you had to give a customer change, this will also show on the screen