If you are buying stock from a Supplier who is not registered for Tax, the humble Till gives you the option to include or exclude Tax from your invoices.
Please follow the steps below:
1. On the Till, select the Stock tab
2. Tap on the Supplier Invoice tab. A grey block with the invoice will appear, tap on the grey block to open up the Supplier Invoice Form on the right
3. Select a Supplier for the movement.
4. Add a Reference to the movement
7. Tap on the Add Item icon to call up your Product List and select the required items
8. If you need to edit the item quantity, tap on the product then select Change Quantity
9. Once all the items are added, select the Back arrow to return to the previous screen
10. The screen will always show a Total Including Tax. If you would like for the Tax to be removed from the invoice, tap on Include Tax box.
11. Once you have selected your Tax option, press Process.
12. When the movement is processed a Supplier Invoice report will appear, here you will be able to see the total on the invoice