The humble Till now allows you to export a list of all your customers, products and suppliers into excel on your humble Till from your Android device
Here are a few easy to follow steps on how to do this:
1. Navigate to and click on the Setting Tab on your humble Till App
2. On the left of your screen are a wide range of sections relating to your humble Till. Simply navigate to and click on either the Products / Customers or Suppliers heading.
3. Once you have selected the section you would like, a list of all the available products, customers or suppliers will appear. On the the top right of your screen is a tab to either Export or Add.
Click on the Export Tab.
4. A pop up will appear, displaying the message Exporting data for a few seconds and then the specific list in excel will appear.
5. The list you selected will now appear in excel, you have the option emailing this report by tapping the three dots in the top right corner.