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Linking your humble Till with Sage One on your iPad Till:

If you have not yet registered with Sage One Accounting yet, you can do so by simply clicking here

The humble Till – Sage One Accounting integration is a link between your humble Till and your Sage One Accounting.

You can follow the steps below to link your humble Till on iPad to your Sage One Accounting:

On the your humble Till App on your iPad, navigate to and click on Settings Tab located on the top right hand side of the screen. 


Once you are in the Settings Tab, click on the tab labelled Sage One Accounting located on the bottom, left hand side of your screen.





Once in the Sage One Accounting tab, click on the  the "Link Your Sage One Account" tab.




A pop-up will appear. Here, you will need to enter in your username and password used for your Sage One account.




Once you have entered the correct Sage One Accounting login details and clicked Sign In, the humble Till will bring up a notice of how the humble Till - Sage One Push works in greater detail.

Please take the time to read and understand how this will work.

Once you have read the notice, click Next in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.




Select the Sage One company that you would like to link your humble Till with.




You can also choose if you would like your cash up information summarized as either: DetailedSummary or Account.

Detailed: On completion of a cash up on your humble Till a cash up invoice for the store will be pushed to Sage One and the item quantities sold will be detailed as individual line items on the Sage One invoice.



Summary: On completion of a cash up on your humble Till a cash up invoice for the store will be pushed to Sage One and all the item quantities sold will be grouped into a single line item on the Sage One invoice.



Account: On completion of a cash up on your humble Till a cash up invoice for the store will be pushed to Sage One and to the humble Till Sales Account in your Sage One. This will not reflect individual item quantities sold.



You will also have the option of selecting if you would like to import existing Items, Customers and Suppliers currently in your Sage One Company with the humble Till.




Once linked you will see the Sage One Push Dashboard which will show all the events that need to be pushed to Sage One and the state of that event.

So for instance, if a ingredient adjustment has been processed in your humble Till, it will then appear in the Sage One dashboard with a state - Success - that will advise you that it has been uploaded to Sage One Successfully.




If you have nay questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to drop us a mail on 

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