A Supplier Invoice is processed once new stock arrives in store and needs to be added to the stock on-hand. A Supplier Return is processed to return stock items to a Supplier, these could be either faulty or damaged.
To process a Supplier Invoice on the humble webTill follow these steps.
From the humble Till screen navigate to and click on the Stock Tab located at the top of the screen.
From the humble Till screen navigate to and click on the Stock Tab located at the top of the screen.

Click on the Supplier Invoices Tab on the left hand side of your screen. Navigate to and click on the green New Supplier Invoice Tab, once complete a new supplier invoice will appear on the right of your screen.

Tap on Supplier and select the Supplier from the drop down list that appears.

Next, add a unique reference to the stock movement i.e. invoice number. and then click on Select Items.

Begin adding items to your movement by clicking on Select Items. Click on the Add Item in the top right hand corner of the screen to get a drop down list of all the products.
You can search for the product using either the name or SKU of the product, click on the product name to select and add it.

Click on the product name to select it and then click on the Change Quantity to edit the quantity of the product. You can also change the cost and or selling price of the product.
Once you have added all your products and edited them to the correct quantities, navigate to and click on the Ok tab located at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

If you are purchasing stock from a supplier who perhaps is not registered for VAT, you have the option to either include or exclude VAT from your supplier invoice when processing.
By default the Include Tax option will be ticked and will show a Cost Exclusive amount, then the Tax Amount and lastly the Cost Inclusive amount. To exclude Tax simply untick the Include Tax option and the Tax Amount and Cost Inclusive amount will automatically recalculate to not include tax.

Once you are complete, click on Process and then confirm that you would like to process by clicking on Process in the pop up that appears on your screen.
If your humble Till is linked with Sage One, this processed stock movement will push through to Sage One and update the on-hand quantity in Sage One as well.

Once you have processed the Supplier Invoice, an automated PDF report will download to the bottom left hand corner of your screen.
You can then either choose to print or save the report in the options located in the top right hand corner of your screen.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on support@humbletill.com