On your Stock screen navigate to and select the Stock Take button located on bottom left hand side of the screen.
A blue screen with the words "Checking Your Stock Take Status" will appear.
If you are starting a new Stock Take, the following screen will appear. Tap Start Stock Take to start with your stock take.
You will then be presented with the Stock Take Dashboard. This is a screen which details how far into your stock take you are, along with the number of items you need to count.
To start counting the products within your store, select the View Items tab at the bottom of the screen.
To set the count on an item, you can simply tap on the item. A box will appear where can then enter the quantity you have counted for that product. Click outside the counter box to return to the products screen.
NB: The humble till also allows you to count items with decimal quantities. The figure can include up to three numbers after the decimal to allow for ingredient items to be counted accurately. The On Hand figure also shows quantities with decimals.
You can also count items using your SocketMobile Bluetooth Barcode Scanner. Simply scan the item barcode and +1 will be added to the count each time you scan.
Depending on the quantity you capture, you will see one of three options:
- Items counted correctly will show in Green
- Items that are over will show in Orange
- Items that are short/ missing will show in Red
Once you have finished counting your products, close the Stock Take items screen by clicking on Close in the top right hand corner.
You can view and print a report of the stock differences by selecting the Differences report tab at the bottom of the screen., this will generate a PDF that can be either printer or emailed by selecting the action key in the top right hand corner.
Once the Stock Take is complete and you are ready to process the stock take, select the Complete Take tab.
A pop up box will appear to confirm you would like to complete the stock take, select Process Take to continue or cancel to go back and make changes.
Once you have selected Process Take a Stock Take report will now be generated and your stock take is complete. You can Print or Email the report by clicking on the Action key on the top right corner.