To start, click on Settings Tab of your humble Till.
Below is a breakdown of the General section under Settings on your humble iPad Till.
Version - Shows the Version Number of the humble Till App currently installed.
Build - Shows the Build Number of the humble Till App currently installed.
Cloud Sync - Initiates a sync from the humble Till to the Cloud.
Tax Prompt Above - Allows you to set a Tax Prompt amount. Once this figure is set, any amounts above the set amount will require you to enter a tax number to complete a sale.
Receipt Printer Settings:
Selecting Receipt Printer Settings, will allow you to customize your receipt printer settings.
If you tick Use email Receipts, the the humble Till ill will bring up a pop up on completion of a sale where you can enter the email address of the customer you would like to send the receipt to.
If you tick Use A4 Receipts, the humble Till will create a PDF of the invoice on completion of your sale which you can print from your A4 printer, if you have one setup.
If you tick Use Receipt Printer the humble Till will print a receipt from your receipt printer on completion of a sale.
Selecting Receipt Printer Type will allow you to set the receipt printer you will be printing to on completion of a sale.
The humble Till is compatible with the Star Micronics TSP 654II Bluetooth and Epson TM-M30 Ethernet/ Bluetooth Printer, the Epson TM-T20 II Ethernet Printer, Epson TM-T88 Ethernet Printer and Epson TM-M30 Ethernet/ Bluetooth Printer. You can select the applicable printer from the list to set up your printer.
Number of Receipts allows you to specify the number of receipts to be printed on completion of a sale.
Receipt Number Prefix allows you to customize the prefix that will be printed on your receipt. By default it is set to INV, however can be changed i.e. INVOICE / INV TILL 1/ INV TILL 2.
Next Receipt Number allows you to set where you would like to start your receipt numbering to start, by default it is set to 1, however, can be edited.
Important: If the humble Till App is deleted, the Next Receipt Number will default to 1, you can check your last receipt number by checking Search Sales and entering in the next receipt number.
If you tick Use Cash Drawer the till will automatically kick open the cash drawer on completion of a Cash Sale or a Petty Cash Pay Out.
If you tick Prompt to Open Cash Drawer the till will bring up a prompt on completion of a cash sale to confirm if you would like to open the drawer or keep it closed.
Receipt Lines:
Allows you to add or delete additional text lines on to your receipts, either at the top or bottom of the slip
To add lines to the top of the slip, simply tap Top Lines then go to the bottom of the screen and select Add Receipt Line. Enter the required text in the box and save. The same applies for Bottom Lines. Once the lines are saved, they will print on all of your receipts.
Auto Lock After Sale:
This will ensure that the humble Till automatically locks on completion of a sale, requiring the cashier to log in to continue.
Use Label Printer:
If you have a Brother QL-720 NW Label Printer setup on your network, if this option is enabled, you will be able to print barcodes labels for your items in the Products section and when you process Supplier Invoices.
Allows you to edit the view of your Favourites tiles. You can change the amount columns and rows, select to show the price and unit or not as well as choosing to show the Favourites on the left or right side of the screen.
Tender Auto Prompt Cash:
Having this enabled will ensure that each time you enter the Tender screen on your humble Till to complete a sale that a pop up box will appear for you to edit and declare the cash amount.
Tender Auto Prompt Card:
Having this enabled will ensure that each time you enter the Tender screen on your humble Till to complete a sale that a pop up box will appear for you to edit and declare the card amount.
If you have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on