To add stock to sell out of your Android Till you will need to process a Supplier Invoice. To do this, you will have to log in to the webTill and follow the steps below
1. You need to process a Supplier Invoice to update the quantity stock that you received in your store. To process a Supplier Invoice you will need to click on Stock from the main till screen
2. A menu will appear, click on the Supplier Invoice tab
3. A white box with your Supplier Invoice Form will appear. Here you will need to select the Supplier you are receiving goods from, as well as set a Reference for the invoice
4. To check the items and their quantities, click on Select Items. Once you have checked all the items with their quantities are correct, click OK
5. You will be taken back to your Supplier Invoice Form where your item cost will be showing. If you would not like to continue with the invoice click Cancel. If you are happy to continue with the Supplier Invoice, click Process
6. When the Supplier Invoice is processed a pop up will appear confirming the stock movement. The till will also download a report which you will be able to print, save or email
7. You’ve now completed a Supplier Invoice and the stock quantities on your humble Till will be adjusted according to how much stock was received.