There may be instances where you are required to clear the humble Till history from the browser history on Google Chrome. Please follow the steps below to clear the humble Till cookies history.
Open Google Chrome and select the Customise and control Google Chrome (3 dots on top of each other) icon in the far right corner of the screen.
This will open up a drop down menu, hover over and click on Settings.
When you are in Settings, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on Advanced.
Under the heading called Privacy and security, click on Content Settings ...
Click on the first tab called Cookies.
Navigate to and click on the See all cookies and site data.
In the search bar in the top right hand corner of your screen, type in the word till.
Once it reflects all the results click on REMOVE ALL SHOWN.
Close all the tabs on Google Chrome and close it down and then re-open Google Chrome and log back into your humble Till.
If you have nay questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on