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Adding and selling serial items on your humble webTill:

If you perhaps stock products that have individual  serial numbers, adding these products to your humble Till is quick and easy.

If you have not yet created the item on your humble Till, you can add the new product in Settings.

Select the Settings Tab, and then Products from the left hand side of the screen. 




To add a new product tap on Add Product in the top right-hand corner of the screen.





The Edit Product box will appear, here you can add all the item details in the required fields, including Code, Description, Category etc.

If the item is a Serial Item, you will need to ensure that the item is flagged as a Serial Item by clicking the Serial Product box at the bottom of the screen, a tick will appear in the box.

You can now click on Save.




Once the item is saved, you need to book the serial numbers into stock. To do this, select the Stock tab at the top of the screen. On the left side of the screen, please select Supplier Invoices.




A new section will open up on the screen, please select the green tab - New Supplier Invoice, and a new supplier invoice will appear. 

The supplier invoice and date and time will be populated automatically, next, select the Supplier and also add a unique reference. Once this is completed click on Select Items.






On the screen select Add Item and then search for and select your Serial Item.




Click on the grey Serials box.




A new screen will open up where you can add the serial numbers for the item. Please enter the serial number in the box then click Add Serial. Please repeat for the next serial number.




You can add as many serial numbers as you need to. Once the serial numbers are all added, please click on OK

You will be taken back to the previous screen. The quantity on the item will be updated according to the number of serial numbers you added to the item. Of you are ready to process, click on OK.




You will be taken back to the Supplier invoice Form. Here you will be able to see the Total Cost of the Supplier Invoice.




If you do not want to continue with the invoice, click on Cancel. To continue with the processing of the invoice click on Process.




To check if your serial numbers have saved to the item, you can run a Serials In Stock report.

To view the report you need to select the Reports Tab at the top on the screen, then select Stock from the left hand side of your screen and click on Serials In Stock.

You can then filter the report by item and run the report to see the current serial numbers you have in stock.




To complete a sale using a serialized product, you would need to select the Till Tab at the top of the screen. Click Add Product and select the serialized product. Your humble Till will prompt you to enter the serial number.

Only once you have entered the serial number will you be able to continue with the sale.




If you add an incorrect serial number, the system will bring up an error stating that the serial number you have entered is unknown and is not in stock.




When you have entered in the correct serial number you will be able to see the serial number on the screen and complete the sale by clicking on Pay.




If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact our support team on

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