Activating to pay for your monthly humble Till subscription using either a debit or credit card is simple and easy.
To start, in your preferred Web Browser type in
You will go to the humble Till Billing Dashboard, enter in the master user's username and password that is used to login to the humble Till [Master user is the person who signed up for the humble Till].
Once you have logged in, navigate too and click on Billing in the top left hand corner of your screen.
The Billing Dashboard will show you the Details, Balance, Payment Method, Invoices and Payments.
To enter in the details of you card, click on the green tab Update Card Details in Payment Method and enter in the details of the card you would like to be billed from:
- Brand [Mastercard/ VISA]
- Card Number
- Expiry Date
- Card Holder's name
- CVV [CVV is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. For Visa/Mastercard, the three-digit CVV number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately after the card's account number.]
Once complete and all the details have been entered, click on Register now.
The Details section gives you the information that will be included on your invoices and can be updated by simply clicking the box and updating details i.e. The Billing Address, Tax Reference Number or the Billing Email on where you would like the invoices sent too, once you have updated all your details, click on Save in the bottom right hand corner of the tab.
Balance shows you the current balance outstanding of your invoices, shown below in the heading Invoices.
Invoices will reflect all the invoices for the humble Till subscription including the date and time, invoice number, the amount and status of the invoice (pending, paid or overdue).
Once an invoice reflects a status of paid you can then view the invoice or download the invoice in PDF.
If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on