The ability to clear and zero out all your customer balances has been added to your humble Till.
This ability is only available for the specified billing contact on humble Till.
To start please go to the Account section of humble Till by clicking here or typing in the address:
Login using the billing contacts humble Till email address and password
Once you have successfully logged in, click on the Settings Tab located on the top left of your screen.
Once in Settings click on the Community Tab.
Click on the Clear Community Account Balances Tab.
A pop up confirming that you would like to clear account customer balances will appear, click on OK.
Once the account balances have been cleared a browser pop up will appear confirming: Community account balances cleared.
To view the updated balances of your customer log into the humble Till by clicking here or typing in the address:!/login
Login using the specified users humble Till email address and password and clicking on the Reports Tab and then clicking on Customer Balances.
Ensure that the Show Zero Balances and Refresh Balances boxes are ticked and click on View.
When viewing the customer statement report on humble Till, any clearing of the customer balances done will appear as a Customer Import Adjustment with the reference: Account Manager on the statement.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on