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What are product variants and how do I set them up on my humble webTill ?

Product variants are made up of a parent product that includes basic information and a set of child products that represent different variations of this parent product.

To create a product with variants you will need to select the Product with Variants option from the Add Product page. The first product you create will become the parent product; the next products are populated based on the attributes and values you set.

To learn more about how variants work and how to create them, follow the instructions below:


  • The first (parent) product (which contains all the details including product description, and the pricing) is also the first variant.

  • Once variants are enabled, you must set the attribute categories, like the size and colour, and all the values for these attributes on the same product page.

  • Every 'variation' (i.e., 'small brown', 'medium brown', 'small blue', 'medium blue') has a unique stock keeping record (Code).

First up you will need to create a master (parent) product. The parent product is the primary product you intend to create variants of. In this case, we are creating a T-Shirt. You will want to go to Settings > Products > Add Product.

Fill out all the standard information you would for a normal product including the code, description, Category, Pricing, Tax rate etc.

Once complete, click on Save in the bottom right hand corner.




Next, scroll down to the (parent) product and click on it and then select the Edit Attributes Tab to add your different attributes.

Your attributes are the different features of your product. These attributes might include size, colour or style. You can add one, two or three attributes to your product.

In this case, we will be adding three attributes for our Hoodie.

Tip: If you think you will need more than three variants (attributes) for a product, you may want to split this product. For example, if you have a t-shirt with the variants colour, size, material and sleeve length you can create two products: One for the short sleeve t-shirt and one long sleeve t-shirt then three variants (colour, size and material) for each.




Once you have added your attributes, you will need to add values for each of these attributes. These may be the various colours, sizes or styles that your product has. To add values, begin by clicking on + below each corresponding attribute.

Once you have added the values for each attribute, you will see each product variant appear below its attribute.




Confirm that everything looks correct and click Save Changes, you will see confirmation of the number of variants that have been created.




Each variant product will assume the cost price, markup and selling price of the main (parent) product. You can adjust this on a per variant basis by clicking the variant you would like to edit and changing the desired price fields.




Once you have created and edited all the product variants, you will need to add some stock. To do this head over to the Stock Tab and select Supplier Invoice.

Tip: Even if you already hold the physical stock in your store, processing a supplier invoice is the best way to stock your products in the humble Till. It is important to add inventory in this way as it creates an audit trail for any product stock changes.




For more information on how to conduct supplier invoices in humble Till click here.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on

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