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How do I Create and Import a Item List for humble Till using a Spreadsheet ?

You can add your items into the humble Till  individually, or you can import .xlsx files to add your items in bulk into the humble Till. 

Before you start, you will need to have some information ready:

  • The item codes.
  • The names of your items.
  • Cost prices of your items.
    • These are tax exclusive prices if your store is registered for tax.
    • These are tax inclusive prices if your store is not registered for tax.
  • Retail selling prices of your items.
    • These are tax inclusive prices if your store displays prices inclusive of tax.
  • Any existing barcodes for items you have.

humble Till Item Template

We recommend using our product template spreadsheet file to create your item list, attached below or the product spreadsheet can be downloaded from your humble Till.

To export your product spreadsheet you must first navigate to Settings > Products in the sidebar and then select the Export Products button in the top right of the products page. Once here, follow the steps below:

Open this in Excel or use free spreadsheet software such as Google Docs.





Adding your items

Once you downloaded the humble Till template, you will need to add in your item information.

Below is a glossary of all the different columns and their meanings. You can add your item information below each header.



This is a number humble Till generates as a unique ID for each item.

Please don't change this, and leave the field blank when you're creating new products.

Active Set this to 1 if you want the product to be visible on the humble Till and available to be sold, or 0 if you don't.

Set this to 1 if you want the product to be visible on the humble Till and available to be sold, in turn decreasing the on-hand quantity.

Set this to 0 if you want the product to be visible on the humble Till and available to be sold, this does however not decrease the on-hand quantity.

Deleted Set this too 1 if you want the product to be deleted on the humble Till, or 0 if you don't. 

The stock keeping unit for your product. You can scan or type the existing barcode number for your item here if you have one.

Every item must have a unique stock code. Make sure it only has letters and numbers. You cannot have spaces or special characters in here.

 Description The name of your item. You can have letters, numbers, and symbols in this field. You may only enter the following special characters: _ . % , @ : ; / \ ! & - + ? $ = * ' + ? $ = * '
 Cost Price

The supply price for your product.

Don't include a currency sign, just put the number.

You should always include a supply price - if your product price fluctuates, you can specify the exact price for each order when you complete a supplier invoice. 

 Selling Price

The price you sell your product for to the customer. 

Don't include a currency sign, just put the number.

 Tax Rate

For tax-inclusive stores, this is the percentage of the tax rate you want to use for this product. i.e 15%.

Leave this blank if you are tax-exclusive.

Category  The high-level category this product belongs to. For example 'Clothing' or 'Accessories' or 'Services'.

Important: leaving this column blank will overwrite any existing types you have on these products.
Brand Brand of product or service.
 Unit Unit is measure of the product sold. i.e - Each/ Per KG/ Per Litre.
 Supplier The name of the supplier of your product.
Barcodes You can scan or type the existing barcode number for your item here if you have one.

Set this to 1 if you want the product to sync with Woocommerce site.

Set this to 0 if you don't.

Stock On Hand

Stock On Hand quantities can only be imported by our support team.

Low Stock


Set this to 1 if you want the product to be enabled for low stock.

Set this to 0 if you don't.

Low Stock Count

Set the low stock count for the product. 



Importing your Product file

Once you have created your humble Till item spreadsheet file, you'll need to import it into your store.

How do I do it ?

To import your product spreadsheet you must first navigate to Settings > Products in the sidebar and then select the Import Products button in the top right of the products page. Once here, follow the steps below: 


1. Click on Import Products and select the spreadsheet from the available files on your PC.  



2. As soon as you select your file, humble Till will immediately start the upload. If the validation is successful move straight onto step 3.
If humble Till detects any errors, these will be highlighted to you. 

Warning screen:You may also receive warnings before importing. If your spreadsheet contains duplicate SKU's for example, you may receive a warning message. If you receive a warning message, you will need to update the import file with the necessary changes.

Once you've made the required changes, reimport your file by clicking on Import Products and select the spreadsheet from the available files on your PC. See Step 1.
3. Once successful, you will be taken to a confirmation screen. From here, click 'OK'.

Once you have created and imported your Product CSV, you will need to create a Supplier Invoice to update stock into your store. To find these steps, click here.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us on
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